Jun 8, 2021
This week we are discussing how to make and keep amazing female relationships with the author of Assemble The Tribe, Leah Dean.
Leah Dean is a coach, speaker, author, and former chief human resources executive who has worked with leaders throughout the world to build high-performing teams, or tribes, for twenty years. A passionate believer in assembling tribes for greatest impact, Leah is the founder of numerous programs and events designed to help women and girls find their tribes and do great things. Leah lives in Bermuda with her husband and two children. Join the tribe and learn more about Leah’s work and tribe mindset philosophy at www.leahjmdean.com.
Work with our host Shaunté Saphire: https://www.shauntesaphire.com
You can now send questions for the “Ask Shaunté” segment on the podcast. Please email your questions to info@prayplanslay.com or send me an DM on Instagram.
Pray Plan Slay - @prayplanslaypodcast
Shaunté Saphire - @shauntesaphire
Website: https://www.shauntesaphire.com
IG: @leahjmdean
Website: www.leahjmdean.com